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What Our Customers Say


A GC we completed a lot of work for asked me for a bid on a larger project (more than 100k). With no time to bid personally I reached out to paint estimators. They turned the project around in just a couple of days. Easy to understand and even easier to price the work on the spread sheet they provided. I was awarded the job just a week later. Without their service I would have passed on the opportunity. They will be our go to estimating provider for sure moving forward.


I was skeptical at first. After just two take-offs I am now a believer. Straight forward and simple.


Words can’t express how this service has changed my business. Bidding is a must and when we get busy one thing we don’t have is time. Hiring Paint estimators made the difference, with them completing my takeoffs, I now have the time I need to run my business. They provide me with the bid information I need to keep the proposals flowing even through the busiest of times. Surprisingly, they completed the work in less time than it would’ve taken me to complete the takeoff myself. A win for everyone.


The first one is free, I had nothing to lose so I provided them with the link to a set of drawings for a job we had completed. They returned the takeoff package with all the information required so I could correctly bid the job. Takeoff itself was spot on!